Khalid BenGhrib was born in Casablanca, studied dance in La Rochelle and has collaborated with Karin Weiner, Didier Deschamps, Carolyn Carlson, Régine Chopinot, Fabienne Abramovich, Ariella Vidach & Claudio Pratti and Heddy Maalem, and his mentor, Philippe Genty.
He created the interdisciplinary research collective Hors Champ in 1998 in Haute-Savoie, and founded the prominent contemporary dance company 2K.FAR in 2003 with Loren Palmer. The company considers art as a total experience, as a discipline that belongs to contemporary thought. The company has an unusual name – one that invites interpretation and ask questions. Cie 2k_far analyzes the environment and makes dance out of observations. It’s a group that dances to talk about life.
Khalid Benghrib was exposed at an early age to the heart of the sufi universe of the Gnawa and Hmadcha traditions of both of his grandmothers, who were guiding figures of the lilas, ritual nights of invocation and trance. Using the tools of contemporary dance and the color- structure which shapes the lilas, he has recently opened a vast site of exploration into his Gnawa and Hmadcha heritage. L’Haal (color violet 2019) is the first of the series, followed by Q-a (polychrome 2020).